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3 min read
The Mystic Drum- Gabriel Okara- Poem Summary
Poem Introduction: Africa has diverse cultures and ethnicity and was exploited by the involvement of Western civilization. The poem “The...
liter pretation
3 min read
Once Upon a Time- Gabriel Okara- Poem Summary
Poem Introduction: Once Upon a Time by Gabriel Okara reflects changes made in social behaviors and culture along with loss of innocence....
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4 min read
Disgrace- J M Coetzee- Novel Summary
Characters, Settings, Themes Summary: David Lurie a man of 52 years old and twice divorced meets Soraya a prostitute in Windsor Mansions...
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2 min read
Disgrace- Novel- Characters, Settings, Themes
Work Introduction: Disgrace by J M Coetzee is a controversial novel thus it has received a lot of critical comments. Yet, this novel has...