Death, be not proud Poem Summary- by John Donne
Work introduction: John Donne's distinguished sonnet "Death, be not proud" was first published in 1633. This poem directly addresses...
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2 min read
Amoretti- Poem Summary by Edmund Spenser
Work Introduction: Amoretti – meaning ‘Little love poems’ published in 1595 consists of romantic sonnets written by Edmund Spencer in...
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2 min read
Dream Children- Essay summary- Charles Lamb
Work Introduction: Charles Lamb's "Dream Children" is a captivating essay that delves into the author's nostalgic reflections on his...
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2 min read
A Dialogue between the Soul and the Body- Poem Summary- Andrew Marvell
Work introduction: "The Dialogue between the Soul and the Body" by Andrew Marvell is a poem about the raging argument between the soul...
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3 min read
A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning- Poem Summary- John Donne
Work introduction: John Donne's 'A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning' is a profound metaphysical poem that explores the nature of love and...
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3 min read
of Love, Marriage, and Single Life- Essay- Francis Bacon
Work introduction: These essays were taken from the book "The Essays of Francis Bacon". There are many notable topics with nuances. He...
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3 min read
The Chimney Sweeper Poem Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience Summary- William Blake
POEM INTRODUCTION: The poem, "The chimney sweeper" was published in two parts, songs of innocence and songs of experience in the year...
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3 min read
Saki - Brief Biography
Hector Hugh Munro, who has a pen name Saki, was born in Akyab on December 18, 1870 (British Burma). His father Charles Augustus Munro was...
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1 min read
Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art- Poem- John Keats
WORK INTRODUCTION: The sonnet, “Bright Star” which was written in 1818 by John Keats while he was in his death bed, addressing his...
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2 min read
The Daemon Lover- A Medieval British Ballad
Once upon a time, there lived a very beautiful wife of a ship’s carpenter and she had a son with him. She was too gorgeous and fair yet...
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2 min read
Sonnet 27- William Shakespeare- Summary
Poem: Weary with toil, I haste me to my bed, The dear repose for limbs with travel tired; But then begins a journey in my head To work my...
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2 min read
Sonnet 129- William Shakespeare- Summary
POEM: Th' expense of spirit in a waste of shame Is lust in action; and till action, lust Is perjured, murd'rous, bloody, full of blame,...
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1 min read
Sonnet 65- William Shakespeare- Summary
POEM: Since brass, nor stone, nor earth, nor boundless sea But sad mortality o’er-sways their power, How with this rage shall beauty hold...
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2 min read
Sonnet 2- William Shakespeare- Summary
POEM: When forty winters shall besiege thy brow, And dig deep trenches in thy beauty’s field, Thy youth’s proud livery, so gazed on now,...
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1 min read
Sonnet 130- William Shakespeare- Summary
Sonnet: My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun; Coral is far more red than her lips' red; If snow be white, why then her breasts are...
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2 min read
Every Man in his Humours- Ben Jonson- Act V
Act IV Summary Act V Kitley, his wife, Cob, his wife, Old Knowell and Cash go to Justice Clement’s home. Clement is enquiring about the...
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1 min read
Every Man in his Humour- Ben Jonson- Act IV
Act III Summary Act IV In Kitely’s house Downright scolds Dame Kitely for letting Wellbred and his indiscipline companions inside the...
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4 min read
Every Man in His Humour- Ben Jenson- Act III
Act II Summary ACT III: In a street, Mathew and Bobadil finally meet Wellbred. They inform how they were in search of him and Bobadil...
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3 min read
Every Man in his Humours- Ben Johnson Act II
Act I Summary Act II Kitely in his mansion asks his assistant Thomas Cash to complete a transaction. Kitley expresses to Downright, how...
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2 min read
Every Man in his Humours- Ben Jonson- Act I
Characters List ACT I: The play begins in Knowell’s home. Old Knowell calls upon his son Edward Knowell through his servant Brainworm....
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2 min read