Woman to Man- Judith Wright- Poem Summary
Poem Introduction: Woman to Man is a poem from the collection titled the same which is the second collection of poetry by Judith Wright...
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2 min read
The Mystic Drum- Gabriel Okara- Poem Summary
Poem Introduction: Africa has diverse cultures and ethnicity and was exploited by the involvement of Western civilization. The poem “The...
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3 min read
Once Upon a Time- Gabriel Okara- Poem Summary
Poem Introduction: Once Upon a Time by Gabriel Okara reflects changes made in social behaviors and culture along with loss of innocence....
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3 min read
Mirror- Sylvia Plath- Poem Summary
POEM INTRODUCTION: Mirror is a poem written by Sylvia Plath in her collection of poetry Crossing the Water which was published...
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3 min read
O Captain! My Captain!- Walt Whitman- Poem Summary
POEM INTRODUCTION: The Poem, O Captain! My Captain! by Walt Whitman is a metaphorical poem that expresses the grief for the death of...
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3 min read
The Road Not Taken- Robert Frost- Poem Summary
Poem Introduction: The Road not taken appeared as the first poem in one of Robert Frost's poetry collections titled, Mountain Interval...
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2 min read
Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening- Robert Frost- Poem Summary
POEM INTRODUCTION: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening appeared in one of Robert Frost's poetry collections titled, New Hampshire...
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2 min read
The Rhodora- Ralph Waldo Emerson- Poem Summary
POEM INTRODUCTION: The poem "The Rhodora” which is also known as ‘The Rhodora, On Being Asked, Whence Is the Flower” was written by the...
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2 min read
Don't Call me Indo-Anglican- Syed Amanuddin- Poem Summary
POEM: no i don't want to be a hotchpotch of culture a confusion of language a nullity of imagination an abortive affair between an indo...
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4 min read
Search for my Tongue- Sujata Bhatt- Poem Summary
POEM INTRODUCTION: Sujata Bhatt’s Search for my Tongue in Brunizem (published in 1988) is an eight-page poem using Gujarati lines,...
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4 min read
Indian Women- Shiv K Kumar- Poem Summary
POEM INTRODUCTION: The poem Indian Women by Shiv K Kumar i s from the collection of poetry Cobwebs in the Sun published in 1974. The poet...
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3 min read
To Imagination- Emily Bronte- Poem Summary
POEM INTRODUCTION: “To Imagination” written by Emily Jane Bronte was published in 1846. She always calls her imagination ‘My Darling...
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3 min read
The Lamb- William Blake- Poem Summary
Poem Introduction: The poem The Lamb is one of the poems by William Blake which was published in 1789 in his collection Songs of...
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2 min read
The Tyger- William Blake- Poem Summary
POEM INTRODUCTION: The poem 'The Tyger' was written in the collection Songs of Experience published in the year 1794. William Blake goes...
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3 min read
A Dialogue of Self and Soul- W. B. Yeats- Poem Summary
POEM INTRODUCTION: The Poem, A Dialogue of Self and Soul was written in the year 1933 by William Butler Yeats, this was published in his...
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7 min read
The Woman- R.S.Thomas- Poem Summary
POEM INTRODUCTION: The poem ‘The Woman’ was published with one of R. S. Thomas' collections of poetry. The poem given below is from the...
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2 min read