Wallace Stevens- Timeline
Updated: Apr 12, 2022
1879 -----> Wallace Stevens was born in Reading, Pennsylvania.
1897 -----> Did Undergraduate in Harvard and enrolled as a special student.
1900 -----> Worked as a reporter for New York Herald Tribune
1901 -----> He entered New York School.
1904 -----> He got admitted to New York State Bar.
1909 -----> He got married with Elsie V. Kachel
1911 -----> His father died.
1912 -----> His mother died.
1914 -----> His first publication of The Trend and A Magazine of Verse.
1916 -----> He joined the legal staff of Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company.
1923 -----> Harmonium was published.
1934 -----> He became the Vice-President of Hartford Accident and Indemnity
1936 ----->Ideas of Order was published.
1937 -----> The Man with the Blue Guitar was published.
1942 -----> Parts of the World was published.
1946 -----> He became a member of the National Institue of Arts and Letters.
1947 -----> Transport to Summer was published.
1950 -----> The Auroras of Autumn work received Bollingen Prize in Poetry.
1951 -----> The Necessary Angel: Essays on Reality and the Imagination was published.
1954 -----> The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens was published.
1955 -----> He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for poetry and a National Book Award. In the same year, he passed away.
1957 -----> Opus Posthumous was published.
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